Causes of infertility are complex and for some people can be difficult to properly diagnose and treat. Our therapists know the benefits of timing your treatments with your cycle and we will always coordinate treatments around your natural or medicated cycles to increase pregnancy rates. By working together as a team, we can meet your needs to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy.
At Isthmus Wellness we look at causes of infertility from both a holistic perspective using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) pattern diagnosis and any western (allopathic) disease diagnosis you may have received from your doctors. Combining these causes of infertility enables you to choose from a variety of treatment options.
During the initial consultation we will review the possible causes of infertility, treatment options and expected length of treatments. In general, most of our clients struggling with female infertility conceive within six to eight months. Some clients conceive within two menstrual cycles and others have worked with us for a year or more before they become pregnant. We cannot guarantee you will become pregnant, but we can guarantee you will be healthier after working with us.
Isthmus Wellness Team Provides Solutions
“Thanks to all the folks at Isthmus Wellness for their well-rounded approach to treatment. They worked well with my western providers, as well as gave me many option within TCM: massage, supplements, acupuncture, etc. I am forever grateful to the staff as I move forward on my journey toward motherhood.” JSB – Madison, WI
Common Causes of Infertility
- Endometriosis
- Blocked fallopian tubes
- High FSH, advanced maternal age and diminished ovarian reserve
- Luteal phase defect and progesterone deficiency
- Repeated miscarriage and ectopic pregnancies
- Fibroids and polyps
- Unexplained infertility
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Benign pituitary tumors
- Amenorrhea and irregular cycles
Acupuncture and Identifying Causes of Infertility
Female Infertility and Fertility Massage
Fertility massage based on the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™ is a highly effective method of enhancing fertility. Common causes of infertility that respond especially especially well to Maya abdominal therapy include endometriosis, fibroids, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), amenorrhea, blocked fallopian tubes, irregular cycles, repeated miscarriage and ectopic pregnancies.
Fertility massage can be used alone for fertility enhancement or in conjunction with IVF, IUI, acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutritional supplement therapy. Clients who are receiving acupuncture outside of Isthmus Wellness are welcome to receive Maya Abdominal treatments here.
Causes of Infertility and Chinese Herbal Medicine
TCM pattern diagnosis can provide a different approach for identifying causes of Infertility and possible treatment option. In China and eastern cultures, women have been treated effectively for thousands of years using Chinese herbal medicine. In fact, prior to the late 1800’s, Chinese herbal medicine was the standard treatment for female infertility in Asian cultures for over 2,500 years. When properly prescribed, Chinese herbal medicine can enhance both western IVF and IUI therapies. It is important that your Acupuncturist is trained in combining these different therapies. The brand of Chinese herbal medicine at Isthmus Acupuncture is KPC and is the highest quality available on the market. The FDA regulates this industry and KPC.
Fertility Enhancement Consultations at Isthmus Wellness
To help those located outside the Madison, WI area Isthmus is offering consultations and collaboration with local acupuncturists. These consultations educate and empower both men and women to improve their overall health and fertility. Isthmus regularly collaborates with other acupuncturists in other areas to help them enhance their treatments for people struggling with infertility.
Acupuncturists at Isthmus Wellness have advanced training in the treatment of female infertility from international leading fertility acupuncturists and authors including Australian Acupuncturist Jane Lyttleton, Japanese Acupuncturist Kikko Mastumoto, German Acupuncturist David Euler and Colorado Acupuncturist Bob Flaws.
Information on our website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or be a substitute for regular medical care. We encourage you to discuss all therapies with your primary care doctor before making any changes in your health regimen.